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Basic Philosophy
Our company's basic philosophy is to contribute to society through the development of products based on our own unique and advanced technologies through constant creative efforts. In addition, we recognize that our company is a member of society, and we maintain pride as members of Nippon Muki Co., Ltd. by thoroughly devoting ourselves to fair and transparent business practices and through existing in harmony with the natural environment and also through actively participating in activities that contribute to society, and work towards the realization of a truly affluent society as good citizens.



Business Vision
Creating a comfortable environment through a combination of and Our company's business vision is "Creating a comfortable environment through a combination of and ", and as a leading environmental business we aim to continue to prov ide new value by always being one step ahead in responding to constant changes and to continue to grow and develop together with all of you.


Make a clean value ー新しい価値を創造し続ける
"Make a clean value"は当社のコーポレートスローガンであり、この言葉に経営ビジョンのすべてが込められています。私たちは、人々の快適な暮らしと環境負荷低減に寄与する製品の開発や新技術の創出に向けて果敢に挑戦し続けるとともに、すべてのステークスホルダーから信頼され続ける企業であるために、企業価値の向上に努めてまいります。

Corporate Slogan
Make a clean value - Continuously create new value
Our corporate slogan is "Make a clean value" and these words encompass the entirety of our business vision. In addition to continuing to boldly undertake challenges working towards the creation of new technologies and development of products that can contribute to making people's lives more comfortable and reducing environmental burdens, we are also constantly working to improve our company value in order to continue and maintain the trust and faith of all of our stakeholders.